Welcome to Nourish You


Inspiring you to create a life that you love

Nourish You ~ Nutrition & Health Coaching + Holistic Skin and Beauty, focusing on stress and anxiety management

Treena is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach providing 1-on-1 nutrition & lifestyle programs + Holistic Beauty and Skincare treatments where the focus goes beyond what we eat.

Do you struggle with ...

Gut health and digestive issues, Low energy, Stress and anxiety, Sugar addiction, Weight Management, Sleeping, Bad eating habits?

Treena has experience in a wide range of areas, and loves to help people get back on track with their health and wellbeing - to be able to live life to its fullest.

Through education, encouragement and a passion for all things natural Treena will guide you to create a beautiful life naturally:

-  By implementing new lifestyle strategies to approach and tackle your busy world with a balanced, healthy, self motivated outlook. 

-   Providing you with personalised holistic nutrition strategies and programs + Meal inspiration suited to your lifestyle and budget

It's not about what you can't have or do, it's about finding what makes you feel the most energised, happy & looking great. The fault in following a diet is that there is no one size fits all magic fix, we are all individual so the approach has to match. Lifestyle plays just as big a role as food, so a look at the 'whole you' is essential for a successful sustainable outcome.

You are Beautifully YOU, there is no one else like you!


Reboot your Gut Program

Healthy gut = Healthy you

 // You don't have to collapse on the couch at 7pm each night, too tired to do anything.

Nourish-2-Flourish - 21-day reboot your Gut guide with free 21 day journal help keep you on track // + optional starter pack options to save you time

Learn More →